Shock absorbers with metal protector type AKSS

Shock absorber marking AKSS-160 AKSS-220 AKSS-300 AKSS-400
Vertical operating Load [kg] 120-160 160-220 220-300 300-400
A [mm] 90 100 105 110
B [mm] 81 86 88 96
C [mm] 115 120 125 140
D [mm] 35 40 45 50
H [mm] 60 60 65 65
K [mm] 60 65
L [mm] 145 150 155 175
-b [mm] 12 12 13 13
d M16 M20 M24 M24
h [mm] 14 12 14 12
l [mm] 108 118 125 130
n/d1 2/13 2/15 4/5 4/17

We offer shock absorbers made from oil resistant rubber.


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